DigitalPro Accounting and Point of Sale System .. The system approved by the Zakat, Tax and Customs Authority
If you are suffering from lost sales due to accounting errors? Or you are looking for a system that facilitates managing your inventory? And managing your sales, the Digital Pro system, from Digital Business Company, is the perfect solution to all your challenges. 

What is the Digital Pro Accounting and Point of Sale System?
Digital Pro is a comprehensive accounting system specifically designed to meet your accounting needs Whether you own a small restaurant or a supermarket chain, or a large or small store, Digital Pro provides you with all the tools you need to manage your business effectively. 

What are the most prominent features of the Digital Pro Accounting and Point of Sale System program?
Digital Pro accounting and point of sale system is launched to cover many gaps in current sales and management systems, and provides comprehensive features and tools that enhance the progress of businesses and increase their effectiveness, which brings profit and excellence to the business owner in his field, including: 

Integrated system
One of the most important features of the Digital Pro system is that it was designed to be integrated in terms of use, which made it approved by the Saudi Zakat, Tax and Customs Authority, as the program provides:
- Flexible and customizable user interface: The interface can be customized to suit the needs of each business, regardless of its size. For example, buttons and screens can be customized to display the best-selling products prominently.
- Multilingual support: The system can be used in Arabic and English to meet the needs of customers and employees of different nationalities.
- Promotions Management: The system enables you to manage and create offers such as "buy one product and get the second one free" or "discount on bulk purchase" easily.
- Loyalty Management: The system makes it easy to keep customer phone numbers and then contact them to encourage them to come back and buy again.
- Backup: The system enables you to easily and in seconds keep a backup copy of all program data.
- Important Notifications: The system provides multiple notifications and alerts, such as alerts when items reach the order limit, or there are modified or canceled invoices, and open point of sale invoices, and also includes items with a selling price less than cost, items that did not affect inventory, and items without a selling price.
- Compatibility with all operating devices: The sales screen is compatible with all touch operating devices or desktops, iPads, and mobile phones. The barcode reader can also be used to identify products, and the system deals with electronic scales of all types, whether for weight or price.


Multiple Payment Options
The system supports multiple payment options such as cash, network, or deferred payment, and enables you to deal with purchase vouchers easily. Allowing customers to pay part of the amount using a voucher, with the balance remaining for the next time.

Item details accurately
The system contains additional features specific to items such as:
- Display popular items: where the 30 most requested items appear.
- Item information: Accurate information about the selected item can be displayed, such as the available quantity, price without tax, and profit margin.

 Saving and printing in the system
The system allows the possibility of saving the invoice without printing it, through the "Save without printing" button. You can choose to save the invoice in cash or directly via the network, and you can activate the "Direct Save" feature that allows saving and printing automatically.
The system also supports printing invoices in A4 size, to meet the needs of customers who request an invoice of this size, in addition to the possibility of modifying the invoice design and sending it via WhatsApp or exporting it in different formats such as PDF, Word, image, or text. 

Modifying prices and user permissions
In the event of an error in the prices, they can be modified if the user has the permission to do so, for example, if the price of a specific item is 80 halalas and you want to modify it to become riyals including tax, you can access the item data modification screen and update the price. 

Returns Smoothness
The returns screen allows the return of items either by invoice number or by barcode, and the invoice can be returned in full or in parts according to the available permissions. The process is also recorded and saved with the possibility of printing the return, in addition to the "Pay Returns" feature to return cash to customers or exchange them for other items when returning products. 

Daily Sales Closing Details
At the end of the day, you can access the "Daily Sales Closing" screen, which displays the amounts required from the cashier, including cash sales and returned invoices. The screen displays details such as cash sales, online sales, and the number of invoices. The report can be sent via WhatsApp or saved to document daily operations. 

Speed ​​and efficiency of the system in processing reports
The system is characterized by its high ability to deal with reports efficiently and quickly, even when dealing with huge data. For example, data for an entire year can be displayed, as it can process more than 5 million pieces very quickly. The system was also designed using tools similar to those used in Excel, making it easy for users, especially accountants, to interact with reports and customize their columns as required. 

Converting reports to dashboards
Among the prominent features of the Digital Pro accounting and POS system is the ability to convert reports to interactive dashboards. Users can export reports to Excel or print them. For example, the entire year's sales can be displayed in the form of a dashboard, providing a comprehensive view of the system's performance according to different groups. It is also possible to identify the best-selling items and identify stagnant or loss-making items. 

Support for mobile applications and tracking of representatives
The system integrates with mobile applications, allowing the tracking of representatives and distributors through a special platform through which users can know the location of each representative on the map, in addition to the ability to modify product data or review reports.

 Analyzing the facility's performance by items and profitability ratios
The system provides the ability to analyze the facility's performance based on items, as items can be arranged according to the percentage of sales or profitability ratio. For example, if the system deals with a large grocery store, it can be known that the bakery achieves the highest profitability ratio, while other items such as cheeses come in lower ranks, which helps in identifying items that need to be enhanced or that cause losses.
The system also allows users to know the peak sales times based on the hours of the day or days of the week, as sales can be analyzed to know the times when stores are crowded, which helps in allocating human resources efficiently. 

Supplier and inventory management
The Digital Pro accounting and point of sale system provides the feature of identifying the supplier for each item, which makes it easy to know the value of the goods available to the specific supplier, and the supplier's invoice number can be entered to verify that the entry is not repeated.
 In addition, the system contains sub-menus concerned with inventory management, such as warehouses, quantities, and warehouse movement. Users can view the inventory movement in detail through each invoice, including the selling price and cost. The system also allows the possibility of opening more than one warehouse and linking them and transferring between warehouses as well.
The system provides a division of purchase items by supplier, which is used to compare prices between suppliers, to find out which supplier offers the lowest prices or offers free quantities or discounts.

Accounting Reports
In the accounting system, a ready-to-use accounting guide is provided, containing all the necessary accounts, including funds, banks, and cost centers. The system enables you to easily create a disbursement voucher and a receipt voucher, specifying whether the invoice is taxable or not. If it is taxable, the system automatically separates the tax. 

Daily entries are also recorded flexibly, as details of creditor and debit accounts can be added. The system provides the feature of periodic entries, as a periodic entry such as a salary entitlement entry can be called and all registered employee salaries can be displayed, including any additions or deductions. 

The system also provides a set of important reports such as the trial balance, displaying customer and supplier balances, displaying the tax return report, and preparing detailed profit and loss and balance sheet reports. 

In the end, we can say that the Digital Pro system provides flexible tools that meet the needs of various sectors, making it a distinctive choice for small and large establishments alike.